How much super should you have in your 30’s?

How much super should you have in your 30’s?

Although retirement may seem distant when you’re in your 30s, taking proactive steps and being aware of your super balance during this stage can have a profound impact on your future financial security. In this article, we will discuss the recommended superannuation balance for individuals in their 30s. However, it is essential to consider that each person’s situation may vary, and these figures should be viewed as a general guideline.

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What does goals based financial planning REALLY mean?

What does goals based financial planning REALLY mean?

Goals are the things that are important to us and what we strive for. When discussing goals in the context of finance, many people may wonder why do I need to worry about goals, isn’t making money the goal? This was the goal of traditional financial planning but for a variety of reasons this has been superseded by the concept of Goals Based Financial Planning. Goals may be thought of as the things that we strive to achieve in our working or personal lives. Sounds easy but identifying our goals may sometimes be not so straightforward, especially long-term goals, and the answer tends to change over time.

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Six factors to consider when choosing your retirement location

Six factors to consider when choosing your retirement location

As a seasoned financial adviser, I have had the privilege of assisting numerous individuals in various property transactions throughout the years. While I wish I could pinpoint the ultimate retirement destination for each of you, the truth is that there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. In this article, I aim to provide you with valuable insights into the considerations and questions you should be pondering as you contemplate your retirement relocation. Drawing from shared experiences and lessons learned, we’ll explore the crucial factors that can help you make an informed decision.

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How to ease the cost of living pressure with rising inflation

How to ease the cost of living pressure with rising inflation

Inflation, the persistent rise in prices of goods and services over time, can erode the purchasing power of money and negatively impact financial well-being. As inflation rates sit above cash rates, consumers and investors need to be proactive in protecting their finances and finding ways to outpace inflation. In this article, we’ll explore practical and effective strategies to help you manage your expenses.

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What is the FIRE Method for Retirement?

What is the FIRE Method for Retirement?

The FIRE method, which stands for “Financial Independence, Retire Early”, is a personal finance and lifestyle movement that aims to achieve financial independence and retire at a relatively young age, often well before the traditional retirement age of 60-65. The goal of FIRE is to have enough savings and investments to support one’s desired lifestyle without the need for traditional employment.

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What does a retirement plan look like?

What does a retirement plan look like?

As a financial adviser, I’m here to help you understand what a retirement plan is and why it’s important. Think of it as a roadmap for your future, ensuring that you have enough money to enjoy your golden years. A properly planned out retirement plan should help you answer how much money do I need to retire so let’s dive in and explore what a retirement plan looks like.

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What Are The Six Essential Steps You Need To Take Before You Retire?

What Are The Six Essential Steps You Need To Take Before You Retire?

As retirement beckons, careful planning and preparation become paramount to ensure a fulfilling and financially secure future. Retirement is not just a few weeks of leisure; it is a new chapter in life that can last for decades. Here we will explore essential steps to take before you retire, helping you build a clear vision of your post-retirement life and ensure that you have the financial means to enjoy it to the fullest and embrace retirement with confidence. Whether you aspire to travel the world, indulge in hobbies, or simply relish quality time with loved ones, taking these proactive measures will lay the foundation for a rewarding and worry-free retirement journey.

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